Monday, September 13, 2010

Can you see yourself in Mike and Kelley's shoes?

There are as many different stories as their are coaches, but what it boils down to is people motivated to make changes for themselves and for others! Can you see yourself in their shoes?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Falling off the wagon, and getting back on

So, it happens to all of us (or at least a vast majority of us) every once in a while.... We fall off the wagon. Be it our eating, exercise, drinking, shopping, you name it, there is something there that we work really hard at overcoming, but once in a while, BAM! you find yourself falling head first off that wagon!

That is what happened to me this past weekend (and even a little bit the last week....). My boot camp was on break and I didn't workout nearly enough. I did have personal training appointments, but primarily observed them. My eating was WAY under par for me. I went to bed last night feeling pretty uncomfortably bloated and full and woke up today feeling fat, gassy and puffy!

Decided I needed to do what I really didn't want to do: weigh myself. My little bender has cost me 5lbs of ick and yuck. 5LBS!!! WTH? But if there is one thing I've learned by now, it's that there really  isn't anything that can't be reversed. So, I want to be held accountable and I'm putting it out there what I am going to do to get back to where I was a few days ago, and even better:
  1. Doing the Shakeology cleanse for the next 3 days + some Green smoothies.
  2. Do yoga everyday for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Exercise everyday for at least 60 minutes, including running and P90X workouts.
  4. Drink only water and tea (maybe a couple cups of coffee in the AM).
  5. Get to bed by 9PM and get up at 3:30AM (boot camp, ya know....).
There you have it. Now you know that what I've been saying is true. I once was a party girl and junk food junkie and deep down, that girl still exists. Not so much the "party girl" part, but I do still love the junk food (although now I fully realize how crappy I will feel afterwards). I may be a food Nazi 99% 75% of the time, but I do still love potato chips, French fries, pizza, cookies, you know (basically the majority of the junk I've eaten in the last 72 hours!). 

I know that by sticking to my plan, I will reverse what I did and there will be no harm done. But I wanted to put it out there to let you all know that even someone who is a self-proclaimed health nut can and will fall off the wagon now and then. The important part is getting right back on, as soon as possible. It isn't a failure unless you don't do anything about it!

Let me know your stories or what you are doing to hold yourself accountable! I would love to know I'm not alone out there! :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Boot Camp Before & After: Kathy


Day 1

Day 60

Lost 13 lbs body fat
Down 8 1/2% body fat
Went from 46 push ups on the knees to 31 on the toes
Blew away the In & Out score from first test!
Lost 2" on her thighs, 2 1/2" on the hips!

Boot Camp Before & After: Jennifer

Day 1

Day 60

13 lbs body fat LOST!
Body fat down 7%
Moved from knee push ups to push ups on the toes
Doubled time of wall squat!

Boot Camp Before & After: Jessica

Day 1

Day 30 

Day 60
11 lbs of body fat lost!
Down 6% in body fat
Rocked the wall squat at 4 minutes, 
20 seconds!   
Increased sit & reach by 3 1/4"!           

Boot Camp Before & After: Jerica

Day 1
Day 60

Body Fat Lost: 14lbs!
Dropped nearly 7% body fat
Lost 2" on the waist & 
over 1" on each thigh
Went from 11 knee push ups to 
35 knee push ups!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Results and Recovery Formula

This is the best product I've found to help reduce soreness and build muscle fast! I use it EVERY DAY and can promise it does deliver!